Programme Features
Discover the features of the MyFutureChoice programmes
A personal portal for students from age 11 to 18+ to take them through every stage of their academic and careers journey. Here they can: access their programmes, complete questionnaires, analyse their results, track their research, download resources, and begin their applications. Available to any student registered with a MyFutureChoice account.
An administrative portal for staff users of an organisation to manage their account. Here you can: order and assign licences, edit student details, view or download student results, track progress of programmes, download help guides, and access the Resource Library (including DegreeCourseDescriptions). Every staff user also has access to a free trial of the full suite of programmes.
Psychometric Testing
At MyFutureChoice, there are four separate psychometric tests:
MyUniChoices (+MyAptitudeCore)
Our tests have been designed to assess students’ interests, hobbies, and aptitudes whatever stage they are at in their academic journey. The tests propose future career and subject choices, and inspire the students to further their development and research areas that interest them.
Degree Course Descriptions
A glossary of degree course subjects to inform students about available courses and understand the differences between similar course titles i.e. biochemistry vs biomedical science. Also includes information on Finance, Budgeting, UCAS Tariffs, Study Abroad, and more.
Personal Statement Planner
A comprehensive document and workbook to guide students through the process of writing their Personal Statement.
The Careers Directory
Our expansive careers directory of 51 career areas, with definitions and information for over 490 careers presented in the WORKBRIEF acronym: What is involved; Opportunities for training; Requirements for entry; Kind of person; Broad outlook; Related occupations; Impact on lifestyle; Earnings potential; Further information. Included as part of the MyCareerChoices programme. Each career area is ranked based on students’ responses to their interest questionnaire and is presented alongside their relevant MyAptitude results, making it easier to choose their future options.
Future Options
A tool that advises students on the best subject choices and apprenticeships available to them based on the careers they have shortlisted in WORKBRIEF. The Future Options matrix is customisable based on which post-16 qualifications and subjects are available at your organisation (you can select from a default list, or choose the most common options if you do not have further education available at your institution).
The account administrator can assign tasks to groups of students to be completed by a deadline, allowing them to track progress and encourage students to expand their knowledge and productivity.
A place for students to catalogue their experiences and the skills they have developed in one location, making it easier when applying for further education, higher education, jobs, and when writing their CV.