As the decisions surrounding Leaving Certificate subjects become increasingly crucial for students, having the right tools to guide them is paramount. We’re excited to introduce you to our “EirQuest Basics” webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, 3rd October. This session is crafted for Guidance Counsellors eager to discover how EirQuest can streamline the process of subject selection, aligning with students’ future aspirations.
Why Should You Attend ‘EirQuest Basics’?
- Foundation in EirQuest: Grasp a comprehensive understanding of EirQuest’s functionalities specifically tailored for the Irish academic context, ensuring your students make informed decisions.
- Expert Insights: Engage with experienced professionals who will shed light on the nuances of student guidance using EirQuest, providing you with actionable insights.
- Personalised Counselling: Enhance your guidance sessions by aligning them with each student’s unique set of interests, capabilities, and career aspirations.
- Leaving Certificate Subject Selection: Equip yourself with the knowledge to guide students in choosing subjects that not only resonate with their interests but also align with future career or course prerequisites.
The journey from academic choices to career success is intricate. By integrating EirQuest into your guidance approach, you can be the beacon that illuminates a clear path for your students. Don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade your toolkit and play a pivotal role in your students’ academic and career trajectories.
Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of every student you guide.
Tá brón orainn gur chaill muid thú...
...tá an ócáid seo agus imithe, ach seiceáil ar ais anseo go luath agus beidh tú in ann clárú le haghaidh nasc chun féachaint ar an webinar taifeadta.