When your child is off to university for the first time, it can be an emotional time. While you want to let them have their freedom, you also want to stay involved and keep up with them. It can be a difficult transitional time for both you and your child, but if you keep calm and keep the lines of communication open, it can really help to make things easier.
Read on to find out our 3 ways to stay in touch with your child.
Make use of technology
One of the great things about the internet era is the ease of communication it allows. From texting, Whatsapp or iMessage allowing you to stay in touch quickly and in a low pressure way, through to video chat, technology creates lots of ways that you can stay in touch with your child at university easily.
It’s important that you take advantage of these methods to stay in touch with your child. Video chats can be a great way to keep in touch. If you haven’t got a webcam set up, think about getting one so that you can use Skype, or use Facetime or Whatsapp video chats on your phone.
Another great option to stay in touch in a low pressure way is to set up a Whatsapp group chat. You could include the whole family to make it as easy as possible to keep up to date with everyone’s goings on.
Let them lead the way
Remember that your child will be in a brand new environment at university. It’s natural to feel protective over them, but it’s important that you don’t smother them. Let your child lead the way in terms of staying in touch with you. Follow their example with communication methods and when you chat.
However, you should also feel free to give them a nudge every now and again. They may be finding balancing their university life and commitments with societies and new friends difficult, and it’s okay for you to ask them to check in. You should be aiming to find a system that works for both of you.
Send things in the post
While technology has enabled us to stay in touch in a huge range of ways, sometimes it’s good to use the old-fashioned methods. Sending your child who’s away at university things in the post, whether it’s presents, cards or just a little note, is a great way to give them a little boost.
When you first go away to university it can be a lonely time, so sending your child small items in the post can really help, especially if they’re feeling a bit homesick.
Follow these three tips to make it easy to stay in touch with your child when they go away to university.
And if your child still isn’t sure which university is right for them, why not try MyUniChoices? It’s a great way to be confident in your child’s higher education choices. Featuring university recommendations based on their interests and a robust research process, MyUniChoices is the best way to ensure your child makes the right choice.